Thank you! Your application has been successfully submitted.
What happens now?
We appreciate that you have put a lot of hardwork into submitting your application. We also put a lot of work into considering the very many applications we receive across the three Community Bank Southern Peninsula branches of Rye, Rosebud and Dromana. The funding and Marketing Committee and the Board will consider each application that is received, and we will be back in touch with you next month to let you know if you have been successful. Please be patient as we give each organisation the careful consideration that you deserve, as this takes time.
In the meantime, please familiarise yourself with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. Please also review the Community Funding Guide which will help you to share the great Community Bank story with your members, volunteers, audience and spectators.
We would also just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. We know that recently times have been difficult for us all, and we could not have continued to help support thriving communities without the support of such committed and hardworking volunteers, members and staff. Thank you!